Sunday, August 10, 2008

OBJ - GENERAL SURVEY - text pg 148

--- Any visible signs of dyspnea?
--- Position – sitting normal? Tripod?
--- Any signs of acute distress?
--- Appears age?
--- Level of consciousness?
--- Skin color, tone, lesions?
--- Facial features symmetric with movement?
--- Height and weight looks normal?
--- Looks nourished?
--- Body looks symmetrical?
--- Posture looks normal? – oops, bad word
--- Gait
--- Behavior – facial expression, mood and affect, speech, dress, personal hygiene


Debbie said...

Dyspnea? Skin turgor?

monkey card said...

Hey Debbie - i just put Dyspnea in general survey - observations - and I put turgor under the Objective Thorax/Lungs assessment. Thanks.